
Out with the old, In with the new.

Well guess what, i've turned an age older, and i'm 21 years of age now! I am legally able to drink alcohol in America lol. My birthday just passed, yesterday and i don't feel any older or anything in fact i actually feel quite the same, if not even worst then what i actually came into all of this. There has always been one thing that has been constantly on my mind and constantly beating me down into a pulp and i feel like i'm being drained each time i try and try to accomodate to this one thing. I really don't know what to do anymore, i really think there is nothing that i can do to possible make this situation any better in time.

I feel in love with a girl, and she was the world, she was everything to me, everything that i wanted in a girl, i found in her. Nothing was wrong with her, she was intelligent, she was kind, caring and she was there for me 100% of the way. I find she was perfect because she adapted to the lifestyle of which i lived, she made me feel comfortable each time we spoke, saw and each time we were out together. She was never boastful about things and she put up with my crap for quite some time and i thank her for that, i know the shit kept coming and coming and thats when it all went downhill. There was a time when i really thought i knew what i was doing, and that time really went past me like nothing and i didn't realise anything of what i was doing and this is what tipped the iceberg over with everything else that has happened, this is what pushed her over the edge and it was all downhill from there. I'm sorry for the things that i did, but right now if i could take things back, i would 100% and have things back to normal, because right now things are beyond normal they are quite the opposite and it has been killing the inside of me because out of anything i want right now, is for you to be in my life, and after speaking with you and having to accept that what we have is in limbo, its quite disappointing that it has come to how things are now. I guess things do happen for a reason, and having this time to reflect on my life up until now, that i'm 21 now and and got a whole lot of life ahead of me, instead of stressing myself out right now, i want to be able to enjoy the time i have with her, with friends, with family and everyone than to feel this lost feeling inside of me. I really do feel like i've lost a part of me during this whole time and i really need to focus on myself now. Honestly after reflecting on all of this, i've realised i've pushed a lot of the people who were close to me away, and i've been that person where i've tried to control things, and situations where i've dealt with them all before that i don't want to go through it again, maybe that was my mistake, maybe i should of just let it all go when things started to go bad, i didn't mean to hurt you nor did i mean to make things happen like this and i'm complaining about how things should be different and how things should be better than what they are now and how i never pictured a friendship to be like this and such a stressful time that its given you the only option than to become distant with me. And this is my problem, i never knew what i was doing. Oblivious to the surroundings and feelings that i hurt, and i took it all for granted. Honestly, I can't help that i'm not the 'perfect guy', i know i'm not like everyone else, and i guess i just thought that i really made you smile and laugh, and i never wanted you hurt you the way i did, it's not fair on you and i accept the faults i have. I guess there isn't much that we can do right now because the feelings you have for me, isn't so much more than a nanogram, and you've always asked me why do you still talk to me? And all i'm left with is me speechless and wondering why have i been controlling and obsessed over the smallest things that make us fight, when i've always known what i'm doing thats causing such tension between us. I guess these feelings have taken control over me.
Forgive me.

So 21, lets start over and out with the old, and in with the new.

I bid you adieu, 20 years of my life down the drain.


To make you see.

You're hearts a mess.
You won't admit to it.
It makes no sense,
But i'm desperate to connect.
And you, you can't live like this.

I love you.

I just recently watched the new transformers 2 movie - revenge of the fallen, and i really didn't expect what i was going to watch because i've heard mixed reviews about it that it's good and its ok and it's not that great and i had to watch it for myself and put all the reviews to rest and as a result, i thought that the movie was really good!

It has good action scenes, it was consistent and there wasn't a dull moment in the movie, even the babes that were in the film, megan fox and isabel lucas being two of the main characters, there isn't a moment in the movie where you wouldn't be happy watching especially if you were a guy. There were those slow mo scenes where megan fox would be running from decepticons and then you got the steamy scene of isabel lucas steaming up the camera when she dominates sam in his room and you catch a glimpse of her legs and panties as shes working sam. Quite the exciting scene :D then it kind of just anti-climax as you find out shes a transformer and she has a tongue thats 5 metres long and pretty much she gets axed by megan fox. Very hot. Another scene that i enjoyed is when megan fox dresses down as sam goes to college and she breaks up with him over the phone then sam persuades her to be with him and she comes in leathers and very masculine outfit then dresses down for him in a nice feminine white dress. WOW!

Another good scene i would say is when optimus prime axes 3 decepticons and then he gets axed himself as he's trying to save sam.

I recommend to watch this movie if you are a transformers fan, and there will definitely be another one as megatron didn't die in this movie and he said that he'll be back with starscream as well. Can't wait for more megan fox hopefully!

P.s in the scene where megan and shia are proclaiming their love for each other, megan asked shia to say it first, i have to admit that i gasped out 'i love you' to myself in the cinema. LOL! :P


You're hearts a mess.

I've been feeling a mix range of emotions lately, there has been a lot happening in my life that i am happy with and i'm not happy with, and i feel like blogging about this is some sort of vent since i can't seem to vent with anyone else, like this is the one reason why i started to blog, because either way i knew that writing it down would help me vent and also remember for future references in case i needed to go back on. Like i don't think anyone else is reading this blog, so for me, it really doesn't matter because i know no one is reading but if people are i guess then its alright. I dont think i mention any names, that i don't need to mention so relax for those who think im talking about them.

Anyways, i'm feeling an indifferent mood at the moment, there has been a few things that are on my mind, but i won't go into them but i really feel quite out of it and just meh about a few things. I don't know why i'm feeling so indifferent about a certain issue that has happened but i just think that things could really be better when it comes to it, like I feel that sometimes my voice isn't getting heard as much, or as the person that means well, and that its getting heard as the nagging, annoying person. I know i can be a bit full on and a little controlling, and i feel like that's just who i am. My personality i think is someone that is concern about things that go on in ones life and when it comes to people i really care about, the concern intensifies a bit and i'd like to know things more, i guess it's just me and i know you don't like the way i am, i guess its just there is feelings for you as well and i can't help but show my concern and caringness in this way, but i feel sometimes that it doesn't go down well and i find it quite hard to control how i try and express my feelings and that i get the impression that it's nothing good.

What can i do, i'm trying to control myself but its so hard when we both want different things and that i'm trying to maintain this relationship with you to a standard where we both are happy and i know that things has happened in the past but its something that i will never let happen again and it's quite hard to compete with other people for your attention and time, and i guess it's just something i have to put up with but i feel like this is eating away at me slowly and i'm hurting that i cannot spend the time with you because of other factors in your life that stop us from hanging out. I know we will see each other and we have discussed why it's been such a slow process but it's just very hard when all i want is to see you.


I'm back!

So there has been a lack of posting lately, but let me tell you, i've been dying to blog since having a break, there has been a lot of things that has come into my mind that i've been wanting to express lately. Let me tell you that the only reason why i haven't posted is because i've recently moved and moving is such a pain in the ass its quite frustrating to get the internet back up and also getting settled in again, but i'm back and ready to continue from where i left off.

I'll just point form what has been happening in my life, just because there might be a bit to write and i've got to head off soon.

- So as you know i've recently moved houses, so i've been quite busy with settling in and also re painting my room again. It's quite calm and cool :)

- I've also been out of action in work for a while so been busy trying to look for work, and its quite hard i mean my birthday is coming up and there are friends birthdays coming up and one in particular where i'm looking to dig deep into my wallet and i'm scared that it won't happen but we'll see hey.

- Recently just got accepted into TAFE for a Graphic Design Foundation course which is pretty exciting because lately i've been on the fence with what i want to do in my life where it is working full time because i really need the finances to be back up because i'm looking into buying a house so i don't have to move again.. OR study full time and by the end of it all, get a job and be qualified for a good graphic design job. What to do, what to do!

- My birthday is coming up as well, and i'm turning 21!

I'll be blogging more about other things later on tonight, i'll catch up!



It's quite funny

How everything seems different..


Have you ever questioned some of the people around you, and wondered if they were doing whatever they were doing for personal gain, i sometimes feel that its always about who you know, and what you know and it's always about the status. I experience a lot of this 'personal gain' from going out on the weekend with a lot of people trying to get to the top when it comes to djing or knowing the top dogs who runs the party. Its quite ridiculous how far status or whatever you may have that someone is interested in will get you, say you're a DJ and you are a respected DJ in the music industry or scene, a person will do whatever they can to get a free drink, to get into the VIP or to get into the coolest parties for future reference. I find it quite fucked up, i mean you would expect to be friends with so and so, but then again what goes through the mind that you want to do something to get somewhere, and the other person wouldn't know especially if its a girl, you know what i mean.

It's quite odd, and silly.

Kinda question if the people around you, do whatever they do for you or with you for the right reasons or not.. I wonder.


Thoughts #1

Sitting here at my computer has pretty much forced me to turn the thinking switch of my brain on, which has gotten me into all sorts of thoughts that have come out. I'm in one of those moods where i really can't be bothered for anything, and listening to slow jams, and soft alternative rock/indie songs.

Bloc Party (and these guys always help me to think a lot)
Phoenix <-- ♥♥♥

I hate the fact that i have to wake up at 9.30ish or something to go to this job seek meeting every monday for an hour. Death!


What's on my mind?

Lazy Sundays, quite boring, quite long and all this down time makes me think. So what's on my mind.

Her. alot.


Together we cry.

Stumbled across this band, from the UK i think, or perhaps America, i'm not really sure because their videos look like they are filmed in America but their youtube details say they are signed to Sony BMG (UK) so who knows, but anyways I heard their song on the radio as i was driving home from soccer training, and i was in one of them deep thought moment when im driving home, cause usually i'm always driving a good 20mins alone before i get home, and a lot of things click to me usually in this time, and I realised a few things and heard this song and made me think of what the song is about.

Its a good song, i mean if you're into the whole love ballad, where the guy/girl is heart broken and such, i mean i'm not a big fan of it, i like that kind of music but its good to listen to it once in a while apart from the 130bpm songs i usually listen too.

The band is called The Script and they have already a few songs that hit top 10, even top 20 and they are getting plenty of radio time. Just wanted to share that.. Check them out on youtube.


I never..

Thought I'd be in love like this
When I look at you my mind goes on a trip
Then you came in, and knocked me on my face
Feels like in I'm a race
But I already won first place

I never thought I'd fall for you as hard as I did
You got me thinkin' bout our life our house and kids, yeah
Every mornin' I look at you and smile
'Cause girl you came around and you knocked me down
Knocked me down..

Someone told me..

Keep holding in there, it'll be worth it sooner or later.


Life at the edge.

Last night I had a very weird and surreal dream about myself living a life perhaps in the age of 26 or something and i got news i was going to die because of some disease to do with my breathing or something.

So let me take you through into the dream of what i remember. I was at some sort of party, i think it was either a honey moon (my honey moon of course) or my wedding night/party where all my friends were there and we were doing rehersals and stuff, or it was a birthday party where there was a pool there, but it was nice, around sunset time so what happened was the day was going good, until i got a letter where it said that i had a day or so to live and it kinda came to a shock to know that this disease i got is going to kill me. So anyways knowing i was going to die, i didn't tell anyone and you could tell in the dream that i was going into a state where i was becoming a little concern about the people around me and also myself, but during the dream i was still swimming around, having drinks and talking to friends and i was still have fun. In the quiet times, i remember i was there in a room and i broke down and started to cry to a friend or someone significant in my life, i don't remember who it was but he/she was there and i told them I'm going to die, and they didn't believe me and for me it was quite intense that i was in this state of emotional break down.

So anyways, hours went past and i was happy again, i mean it was weird cause i was up and down with being happy and sad, and then it was just all a blur afterwards, i didn't die yet but i woke up.

Really bizarre.

But anyways, what would you do if you knew you were going to die tomorrow, would you according to my dream not tell anyone or die peacefully without people knowing? I really don't know what to do, i prefer not to think about it but how would you feel if something like that was to happen, i'd feel so sorry and sad for whoever it'd may be.

So i bid you adieu.


Usually when you look at the photo above you think 3 sisters, blue mountains. Well that is where i was trying to get at. After speaking to Ruben today while he bludges at work, we have come to a decision we are going to get away with the group or even a few of us boys and girlfriends if they like to head up to have a nice relaxing holiday. I mean a few of us are going up there for a different reason but we've all been talking and discussing holidays, first it was cancun and that didn't work out to how it was suppose to work out, then it was thailand and thats still in the air but i mean its quite hard for us to save, and all these holiday ideas are still in the air its just the funds are limited. So i was thinking that maybe if we go blue mountains with the whole group its still counted as a holiday, and we can start small and make our way big to international places.

I've been looking on stayz.com at holiday houses in the Blue Mountains and found quite a few i've liked and also showed ruben to see if he liked them. I'm quite pumped for it, i mean a good holiday house with friends should be good. Plus we'll be going to the defqon 1. festival which is being held on the 19th of the september at the regatta centre which to my knowledge its going to be held on an island surrounded by water. Now if you don't know defqon 1. festivals it is orginated in amsterdam where its HUGE! and i'm not talking like field day big here, i'm talking about Glastonbury HUGE but in Amsterdam. It hosts music to the harder styles of electronic music, so Hardstyle, hard trance, trance, techno whatever else i guess. I've been a fan of hardstyle and i'm a newly fan of hard trance and i've heard about this festival since i was in year 10 when we were looking at youtube clips of it and the lasers and lighting production was that good you'd want to just save and go the next day.

Should be fun, anyone in?

Underage Heartbreakers

I've been holding out on this TAFE Application for a few weeks and its coming close to closing time for the application. I don't know what it is, maybe i'm just lazy or maybe i'm scared to even do it perhaps cause I don't know whats going to happen in the next few months, hoping i get a job or some good finances, or am i going to be studying and getting into routine to waking up at a certain time and planning my day out to attend class. I haven't done that for 3 years, where i'd wake up and get ready to go to school/class/college and actually have homework to complete and assignments to do. I mean its quite nerve racking that in a couple of weeks I will be doing that and i really don't know what to expect but i know it'll help my career prospects out a lot but completing this course and perhaps study a bit more and have a good certified resume for the job industry i'd like to work in for the next 30-40-50 years.

Its quite scary now that i think of it that i'll be doing this for the next couple of years then perhaps doing it for the future. I mean i love graphic design, and i love the freedom that it allows to create things from scratch and then seeing the results that it allows you to feel accomplished that a magazine/billboard/company/fans/general public love your work and what you do. I hope its like that for me. Its just scary to know that maybe if i do these course and study for another 3 years to complete the course that i might lose interest in it, i don't think i will but its a possibility for anyone because i've got friends who are in that part of their life where they studied straight after high school and gone close to completing their course and deferred or dropped university all together and chosen a different career path. Its quite strange because as i finished high school, i chose that i will try and enter the workforce, gain as much experience as i can and if i do decide to study again i can because i have the money, experience i needed for the career i tend to do when i'm older, but it's not the case at the moment where i did get some experience but not as much as i wanted or could, oh wells i like the fact that my life isn't planned like some people i know and i'm glad i chose this path because when i see on facebook that there are alot of people complaining and commenting on their status about how fucked an exams is or how hard this uni assignment is.. its quite depressing but maybe now its time for me, and i'm also actually pumped to do all this. Bring it bitches!

I'm 21 in a month and a bit and i guess i no longer can be a kid anymore lol.
The life after 21 should be interesting, a lot of questions flow through my head like, when will i get married? when will i have kids? when will i move out? when will i be able to afford things, will i find 'the one'.. lol


Those are my thoughts at this hour of the night/morning.
Sleep time, going to finish this application tomorrow morning or when i wake up!

Things were looking a bit better..

Don't you hate it when you send a message to someone, and it was meant for someone else, i'm pretty sure there is a lot of people that have done it, where you send a message to someone thats in the same room, place or even car as you and instead they were suppose to send it to a girlfriend, another friend or whatever but they sent it to you. Common mistake, totally understandable because you think you know your phone so well, you do this and do that its kind of like a routine to send a message but when that message isn't suppose to be for you, its quite awkward and weird.

Well that happened to me tonight, i didn't send the message but a friend did and wow did that message send quakes through to china... Its funny how it sends the room/place/car or whatever quiet and a little "oh shit my bad" laugh or something comes out from that person and it's like you're waiting for that person you 'accidentally' sent it to reads it and you realise what an idiot you just made yourself to be when its something quite harsh and not for your own eyes. What do you do in those moments? I mean, i understand you need to vent to a loved one or another friend or family member because i'm pretty sure we all do that, its that person you can talk to about anything but do you think you could of been a little smarter and make sure you sent it to the right person before you press send if its something important or something you're talking shit about behind that persons back.

Shit, i mean i try and keep it disclose and careful before i send a message to someone incase i think i know my phone so well that it won't do that and then vola, you got yourself a problem with someone that could of been avoided if you would of just came and spoke to that person about the issue you are having. I think its quite cowardly that you don't because if you have an issue, you talk about it rather than bitch about it to someone else but then again, we all do it because perhaps were all afraid to hurt that person.

Oh wells, shit happens and now you have to deal with the fact it changes a lot. Next time be more smarter.


Tonight we dine in hell.

So, lately the trend for girls is like sandals, if i'm wrong please correct me but when i go to festivals, or even out to lunch or whatever, I see alot of girls wearing sandals, like i have no idea what they call them but its like watching the movie 300 in modern times. I don't have anything against them, but its quite funny how the trend became such a fad. Its everywhere and its funny how Nike has jumped on that band wagon and release these sandals (pictured above).

Would you buy them?

The white ones are alright.


And he said..

Steve Aoki, man behind DIM MAK Records and Collections, has given a interview and a tour around his LA home in which is probably rarely stays in, I'm sure that he tours that much, he doesn't even live in as much. Anyways, he has done a lot of things, where he discovered Bloc Party in the U.S and he explains a lot of other stuff in this video.

I adore it.

This may sound a little left field and perhaps weird that a guy is watching Gossip Girl, but i really don't care, cause it's a great show. I mean i have one person to thank for getting my into it, but then again when i first heard about it, i really didn't give it a time or day but then i watched a few episodes and wow was i hooked

Anyways, there is a clip in the last episode for season 2 where i really see the deeper side to chuck's character and how smooth he is when he says what he says.

Short responses like..

I admire it
I adore them
I worship it.

Really makes the scene what it is.

On another note, i was surfing the net, and i added a new link to the blog blog blog lists -->
I found this website where pretty much posts about a lot of things relevant to the whole scene when it comes to fashion, music, arts, culture and whatever else. It's a really good website and i rate it. I found this article about Kitsune bringing out a Winter/Autumn range which is pretty banging, i was quite infatuated with this jacket/coat or whatever you girls want to call it because I find it quite cute..

In words of chuck, "I adore it".


Check it out.

They can all get fucked, just stay true to you.

The new Eminem album that has just recently been released has been getting some good and bad raves about it, personally i think it's a great album for him to come back on. Having some logical and deep conversation with my brother about this album, he has given me an insight about it and i agree with whatever he said.

This album is perfect for Eminem to come back on, if you can go back in time and look at his first EP/LP which was the Slim Shady EP (correct me if i'm wrong, i'm just going on what i remember) that the sound of his alter ego "Slim Shady" is humourous, dark, and playful. I mean this album suits that Slim Shady character alot and its great for him coming back after his recent life issues. I think he has dealt with them perfectly with this album, where he has addressed issues about what has happened, and now that his back, he's going to the top again.

I think he taking the road where he'll release this Relapse album, which is a Slim Shady style album, then if you don't know he is going to release another album close to the end of this year which I think will be an album which will fit his Marshal Mathers LP style and that would be the best album he has produced.

So fingers cross, i mean Relapse is good, especially Beautiful and the others Crack the Bottle, 3am and We Made You and there are others that are respectively good, so go out and buy your copy :)

Eminem - Beautiful.

This song is really powerful.


Supreme with all the toppings.

After seeing these on A-Trak's blog, i've considered i'm going to try track these down and get a pair.

The brown ones to be specific!


Ask Richard

I found this pretty cool website, that is reaching out to the FBi 94.5FM audience to go out and find out a way to get to Richard Branson to donate $1 million dollars to FBi headquarters to help them prosper into the future with the radio station.

Now it is a good idea because FBi 94.5fm is a really good radio station, especially for Australia artists, underground or even mainstream.

Support the station.



My baby don't mess around.

I really like this rendition of Hey Ya by Outcast from Sam Lloyd from the TV show Scrubs.

Adidas Classics

I haven't been blogging only because I run this blog site and I've been concentrating on my friendly friends blog at trashbagskids. So anyways, i'm going to post a few things here and there and try and multi task two blog sites at a time, but this is just my personal blog where i write,rant and vent whatever I please, so no restrictions.

Anyways, i've been looking on cool cats (Ed Bangers crew blogsite) and i came across Fafi's section of the blog and she has posted a sneak(er) (taken from A-Trak's post, haha) peak of her new collection collaboration with Adidas Classics. This is what she said:

Next october, I am having my third collaboration with Adidas originals, this time I am having fun with a winter collection and also one for summer next year, everything has been completed now and I am very proud of it, not only did I managed all the graphics but I also designed all the pieces with the team, inspired by my own Parisian dressing and my trips all around the globe.

One more thing, even though you'll find 5 pairs of sneakers for each collection, the clothes are not exactly what we are used to see at Adidas everyday, get ready!

Fafi is overall a very talented designer/drawer/artist and thumbs up in my books.


They hear the bass and they say whoa!

Weekend shenannigans, what did I do?

Friday - went to dee's place to pick up we love sound tickets and played fifa, pretty happy about that aye, why because i came and beat people. Actually i can't take all the glory, played rob twice, beat me i beat him he beat me so we're pretty even on the fifa level then came christian, he was suppose to be good anyways we played. Pretty intense match cause he beat me 3-0 in the first game then i was put on the spot because dee usually raves about me saying that i'm pretty good which i am but yeah disappointed on the lost but you know i was playing with a team i didnt really like, but thats no excuse right? Well it is. Anyways we decided to play again and i was lyon and he was liverpool and it was such an upset christian decided to leave lol. 4-0 and he shuts up.

So anyways its 1-1 between us, and we decided to play again and this was pretty funny because the first 20mins of the game he was leading 2-0 and dee and everyone was like whats going on and shit, you know and i have to be honest, i was packing shit about that time but i kept my composure about it all and just kept playing, a little sweat dropped down my face cause i was on the ropes here but lyon doesn't disappoint me and they didn't.. I knocked back 2 goals to even up the score and it was on. 0-0 (2-2) and then i came back with an upset of a lifetime. 5-2 and the game wasn't finished. Christian gave up with 20mins to go, and i was ready to pump more goals into him. HAHA so so funny.

Anyways that happened and we were all chilling out and then decided to head out into the city. Don't know why i went, i think i just went with the flow of everything but i didn't stay long due to what happened before.

Well what happened was, i bought new jeans two days before, april 77 jeans which are pretty expensive to my budget and i sat in some sort of sticky residue outside diego's house and it pretty muched ruined my night and whatever. Kinda sucked arse cause these are new jeans and i had to wash them. Anyways i'm still pretty upset about that cause i went to get them dry cleaned today and im scared its going to end up feeling and looking like shit. Fingers cross they dont.

Anyways I spent pretty much all day saturday trying to get this sticky residue off by any and all home remedies but only one worked, which was hand sanitiser. (Thanks nadia and crouch for your ideas) It didn't get all of it out but it got most of the visible stains away but there was still some left so i dry cleaned it. So that was friday.

Saturday - BBQ at rubens. It was pretty cool, he's family's BBQ are always cool cause we talk with the uncles and aunties and stuff about random shit and they always got stories. Oh and con (Ruben's step dad) always got jokes. lol. It was oscar, beto, caz and ruben at the end and we all had weird conversations which i won't mention because there are soo many. It finished around 3ish am so we all headed home. Oh we also facebooked all the songs on the radio that was played, pretty cool. HAHA.

Sunday - hung out with bet and nick and co. Nothing special but we went to Chans restaurant at The Crossroads and that was pretty good. Filling. JESUS!

That was the weekend, cbb to keep writing. Eyes hurt.

Oh and go buy Fabriclive 45 - mixed by A-Trak. two thumbs up!





I'll kill her.

5.23am awake, got home 30mins ago and decided i'll post something because as i was checking out facebook, stalking people and joining fan pages of ridiculous shit, my twitterfox popped up one of Steve Aoki's twitter (yes i follow all the cool people) and he posted a video on his blog of his last 30secs of his Coachella set but what else was on the post was this video live of Soko - I'll Kill Her song which i have heard maybe a good year ago perhaps and I have to say i was pretty impressed by the smart lyrics and voice this girl has coming all the way from paris.

So anyways this clip is pretty cool, shows her vocal range and just listen to the lyrics. I find her sexy.

p.s. utopia was rubbish. lol random much?


How Cool Is This?

lazzor music! from hypatia on Vimeo.

one word: technology.


Whaddup Brissy!

May be heading to Brisbane in May for the joy of being spontaneous.




Photobombing at it's best.


just visit that link. (above)


Sometimes they find out when it's just too late.

The long weekend fiasco.

Thursday: Went to the city with Andrew and Diego, but we decided to not head into clubs or anything this time, instead we went to eat and we dined at a beautiful restaurant called caffe Roma which is a real traditional Italian restaurants with full Italian waiters serving you. It actually quite gives you the Italy atmosphere with a lot of dim lighting (which i didn't like cause it was hurting my eyes, i felt like my eyes were gonna pop out) but the food was amazing, and the service was great too. I've always loved this restaurant as it wasn't my first time there but I've been back a couple of times after wards.

I recommend the pizza's. Traditional Italian style pizzas, thin base, wood fire and Italian ingredients and shit. Crazy. Check it out by yourself its something Kellett St, Kings Cross.

Anyways, as we finished dinner, which was at 1.30am, yes we have late dinners cause we're cool cats, we decided to leave and get a taxi and by this time, it was 2.40ish and taxi cut off time is 3am so we tried to hurry and grab a taxi but it took us another hour on top to get a taxi so we walked from Kings Cross, down William St and towards the start of Anzac bridge which is Kent St.

As we were walking towards pick up places for taxi's we encountered this guy who had lost the plot, he was talking to himself, and he then started to talk to us which freaked the shit out of me because I didn't know what he was saying but he kept repeating something that was written on Andrews jacket then he started speaking french. "Parlez vous français", and i don't want to sound mean but i got scared. He then proceeded to follow us, so we did some Benji Marshall steps to get away from him and finally we got away, until we saw the funniest shit. We all tried to twitter and facebook status what we were doing as we were bored looking for a taxi when we saw a car load of girls with this FOB guy driving them and there was profanity being screamed out of the car and girls fighting and shit, and this one girl jumps out of the car and one of the girls were like get the fuck out of the car, find your own way home and whatever, and us by standers were like wtf is going on, this bitch just got axed!

So we are all wondering what is going on, this girl was hammered to the core, and I don't think fit enough to walk or even call a taxi, and then her friends come around again and told her to jump in the car, like i don't know if it was some sort of prank joke or something but it was harsh, this girl must of been like fucking bitches and shit. If anyone had done that to me, i would of been losing it. So pre-warning if anyone ever tries to pull a stunt like this, get ready to get axed!

Anyways got back to Diego's house and Andrew didn't have the energy to drive home, plus double demerits, he didn't have a license to drive a turbo car or even a car at all, so we stayed at Diego's and drove back home in the morning. I love the Simpsons. :)

(Good) Friday: Just a BBQ at Ruben's house, I have slept 2-3hours max, went straight up from Diego's thursday and went to the BBQ at 2pm at Ruben's to help set up. I'm telling you I was in such a shitty mood, i really couldn't be bothered for this day, but in the name of the lord, i was going to pull through and get this BBQ done, so anyways we drank beer, we ate seafood (with a little bit of meat) and we hung out by the fire. All in all, it was a relaxing day. Good to just be down to earth with close friends and talk about random shit.

Saturday: What did i do Saturday? I really don't remember what i did saturday but it was local. Oh i went to mounties with Beto, Fernando and Sarah and watched Fernando milk my machine after i played it, end up winning 250ish. Bastard!

Sunday: Trashbags ft. Redial EP2 launch. It was pretty good, just reporting back on when i was in the club, it was overall good. Some hiccups here and there, but we got there and it was ok. I was a little drunk for a little bit, then things just started to annoy me, and i was just bleh the rest of the night. Really couldn't be bothered and wanted to just go home.

Anyways that was my long weekend, Monday was recovery day which i slept all day and did nothing. So it really isn't important.



Too busy.

Might as well have a do not disturb door hanger tied around your neck..


No reply.

Why don't people reply to your messages when you send it to their mobile phones and it takes them a fuckin year to reply back?

Like what sort of problem is there over on their end that they cannot respond back to a message that yourself are sitting there waiting for a reply back soon since when you replied back to their message in a heart beat, they can't even do the same thing.

Don't you just hate that? Like seriously, it isn't that hard to write back or something?.


People even created a facebook group called "I hate people who don't reply back" or somewhat along those lines and its funny.

It really grinds my fuckin gears.. It isn't hard nor is it going to kill you.

Full stop.


Weekend #2

Well friday, was a night out in the city. It was actually pretty random, me and andee decided to just hit the town, first stop dee's place and stayed there to chat and secretly try to bring him along, cause it was he's birthday weekend, he kinda bitched it and stayed home, but it was all good. We had to meet up with Marc and Billytown cause they were out in town and having a messy night.

Well we started off at Moulin rouge, stayed there for no more than 10mins, left and got dragged to SoHo with Nik and new found friend Elliot i think he's name was. No idea, don't really care but it was packed. Why? cause some asian person decided to have a birthday there and asians were everywhere. It was like walking through to chinatown or something. Not that i cared or am racist towards asians because i'm asian myself but when you see and hang around asians yourself like family wise, they can't control their alcohol and perfect case, walked in and getting drinks and whatever spilt all over my legs, arms and shirt and shit, and getting bumped into left right and centre. Annoying much?

But anyways we had a few drinks there, free and just hung out in the newly renovated club for a few minutes then headed back to Moulin. No place to be in the cross than Moulin on a friday, some night called Secret Society which is usually good cause last time we went there it was pretty banging. This time it wasn't so much but it was ok. Nothing to complain about cause it was free :D

We stayed there, had a few drinks with cla and co, and nik and redial and shit. Got pretty rowdy in the VIP area but i was just bored, wanted to go home and eat cause i was starving. It was fun but wasn't drinking or anything.

That was friday, saturday came and Kill The Radio was on at The Roxy which hosted Dee's 55th Birthday. Now to have some old party animal mother fucker turning 55 and having a party at a club night, is something to live up too. Haha I'm only kidding, it wasn't a 55th birthday at a club. There is a long nd logic story behind it but i'm not going to explain because i can't be bothered and it will make this blog even longer than what it should be. Capishe?

Saturday came around and it was supposed to be an early night, 1.30-2.00am deadline only because i had a football (soccer) game the following day and i didn't want to be tired, i wanted to be fresh and awake and ready to play but that all failed when i decided to stay due to andee persuading me to stay, buying me drinks and partying all night which is what i totally didn't do. I did quite the opposite, just sitting down, chilling out and waiting to go home. I wish i did go home at 1.30 cause i ended up leaving the joint at around 4.00ish and got to bets house around 5.00 due to stopping to get people and food.

Overall, it was a blah night, had a bit of fun, but it was ok.

Sunday came around and it was my day to shine, had football friendly against mounties and we pumped them 8-3. It was an easy game and i was buggered all weekend afterwards, got home and crashed out and woke up this morning at 11.30am.

Weekend was chat. Am i getting old?


City, city, city!




What's my motherfuckin' name?

Just cruising into ol' school mode.

Snoop doggy, dooogggg.

You start to question things around you, who, what, where, when, why?

What is the problem?
Where should you start?
When did it all go wrong?

Don't you wish honest was the best policy in this world, I tend to disagree with that because honest isn't always going to get you further than you think it would. Truth hurts, and when the truth happens to flow through your ears, its like a sudden strike to wherever it would hurt the most, and that could be anywhere but mostly the heart.

I think its better to be left unsaid than to be said because it isn't always the best option to take if its going to hurt you ten times more than you think it would. You would think you'd be ok, but its always ten times worse feeling and what do you do to recover? Whatever you please.

Let your body take control.


We love hmph!


The second release line up has been released recently and oh my, is it a great line up.

Armin Van Buuren
Armand Van Helden
James Zabiela
Laidback Luke
Kissy Sell Out
Guy Gerber
Dirty South
Danger (Trashbags black tent)
Anja Schneider
In Flagranti
Guns'n'Bombs (Trashbags black tent)
Grafton Primary
Justin Martin
Matthew Dekay
Passions (Trashbags black tent)
Sascha Funke
Aston Shuffle
Ajaz (Typo from last year lol)
Bang Gang DJs
Emerson Todd


I know that there will be the Trashbags DJs (Redial, Smacktown and Why Not Djs) playing.

Get you're tickets through me.

Weekend #1

Well my weekend was quite eventful, or such and not. It was all over the joint. Really.

We'll start off friday.

Well, condom, bets and I were going to go to one of his friends bar just near five dock but that idea ended flopping so badly the night of friday seemed gloomy with nothing to do and nowhere to go and the idea of going to mounties came up but we are always there, we have made friends with one of the bar ladies. She is really nice, good ol' dotty always knows i'm the designated driver and hooks me up with free soft drinks. Really nice old lady, and she backed us up when we had problems there. lol Anyways enough of that, we went to fairfield RSL out of random decision and it was actually nice there. The service and everything there is definitely a big plus in my books. I usually don't like going there cause alot of my relos are there and it just seems quite uncomfortable being there the same time as them, and there is just history with it all.

If you want to go there to hang, and enjoy the decor which is really nice and get free and great drink service. That is the place to go :)

So saturday came around and out of spur decision i decided to hit the races at rosehill garden and to my surprise i did enjoy it, it was like a good fun day out, kinda tired as i didn't get much sleep from the night before but ended up being a great day, nice weather and good company. You need to be dressed up and in the mood for the day, and you have to go with a group of people to enjoy the day.

here's a snap of the group, all nice and happy.

And sunday which was mediocre cause I didn't get much sleep and had a soccer game today which i lost 3-1 and the second goal was partially my wrong doing which i won't get into cause it'll make me look like a douchebag haha!

Another weekend, another week.

Catcha on the flipside.


That muhfucker was the shiiitt!

Katt Williams reppin' The crocodile hunter. Big up for his attempted aussie accent lol!

Ah thats a beauty right there mate. Oh i got er in my sights. Just wait for it, wait for it!

Hearing is getting me down.

Don't you wish you could find a place where you could go an escape from the stress and troubles in your life that you find it hard to even try and look for one that it becomes a stress or even trouble for yourself?

Well what can you really do..
I think the real issue here is to get to the place in the beginning to being able to settle down and escape from it all, and i'm not talking about taking your own life. I'm talking about just getting your mind of things and easing yourself through the power of your own mind. I do not endorse suicide or drug use to help yourself 'escape' so whoever does read this, don't take the wrong idea. If you want to take drugs and take your own life, then go ahead but i urge you not to do so because it's not worth it. If the situation in your life comes to the point where you think that this is it, the end of the road, think twice because there are people you may not think care, really care and would be straight up distraught by your own actions. SO DON'T BE STUPID! lol

Well back to the post, i've done some things that i am not proud of and lost friends and respect from people and I guess i can only learn from the mistakes and become a better person by doing good by the people that has lost faith and respect in me to gain it back, but what do you do when it doesn't work? You tend to question yourself and question your approach and wonder if this would work, or that would work but you are unsure of what approach to take and if you take the wrong on, you're taking a few steps back but if you take the right approach your cheering but then what do you do after the right approach, how do you continue to make that person happy and think 'hey, he is really being genuine or truthful'. Its very hard to pin an exact point on what actions to take because then again you could take the wrong road and go back to the start or could take the right road and be cheering then you'd come to the same decision and you gotta keep at it.

I see it like a gamble on a pokies machine (i know its a bad example) but to gain more money from the gamble you need to guess correctly the card or suit is going to come out and then the next, and if you get it wrong you lose it all and you start it from the start again BUT if you win, you'll keep going to either win more OR take the win and start again with a different approach to maximise your winnings.

Like how do you know what approach and actions to take once you think you're up ahead of the situation or even if you're right. You could be wrong and think you may be right but the only way for you to know is that other person telling you and if they aren't then you just have to GUESS your way through it all and it's all a gamble then take into consideration is the gamble worth losing some dignity or some pride or even starting all over again when you put so much effort it at the start then you have to start again. I know people would get frustrated and annoyed at the fact of starting over again when you've put all this effort in and get nothing in return but ask yourself this question..

Is it worth it?

Once you answer that question, you either start again or give up, take your losses and move on then you'll either go through the whole process again and again til you realise it for yourself which brings me back to the escapism of your troubles and issues. Why can't there be an easier way, it just seems hard for some people with the whole economic issue and whatever else is going on in their life to just stand back from the crowd and take a breather.

I truly think it's worth it and if going through the process again and again will eventually slap me in the face and make me realise I think taking the 'gamble' could either end great on the other side as it takes a different journey, some curve balls and some crazy times or bad, even time wasting but then again it's all up to you.

I wish things could be easier.

On another hand, i'm really digging Metronomy - On Dancefloors. Crazy song and i've had it on repeat in my car, and also at home and i'm going to blog it here. Its got a catchy beat and crazy synths action, sounds like a romantic dinner for two with a violinist playing next to you and you're about to propose or lean in for the first kiss. Haha

Metronomy - On Dancefloors (buy the album)


What ever happened to you, and me?


Fix you.


Fix you by Coldplay

When you try your best but you don't succeed
When you get what you want but not what you need
When you feel so tired but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse.

And the tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone but it goes to waste
Could it be worse?

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you

And high up above or down below
When you're too in love to let it go
But if you never try you'll never know
Just what you worth

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you

Tears stream, down on your face
When you lose something you cannot replace
Tears stream down your face and I...

Tears stream, down on your face
I promise you I will learn from my mistakes
Tears stream down your face and I...

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you.

Cancerians follow.

So I thought I'd give a random rant and whatever about whats been going on in my dome of mind. Today was quite random, went to bets joint and hung out with the fellas jayerleon and played some wii, and while having a break from working up a sweat trying to defeat 100 CPU wankers on smash bros, i read up on the newspaper and I usually don't believe in horoscope, but i read yesterdays one and I wish i had it here, but it was spot on with how I feel at the moment.

So anyways, what it was all about was like I'm afraid to come out with my feelings at the moment because it'd make me feel stupid and vulnerable to being rejected or turned down and this is generalised which could apply for anything, so like it could mean anything you know but I do agree with the statement and apply it on my life and I look at the decisions I've made and what I have been doing and I'm actually afraid to come out with how I feel about a particular person or a issue that has been raised. I guess vulnerability is a little too much to handle right now, it's like opening yourself up to someone with a gun and not looking out for yourself, or cover to protect yourself. You can either get hurt or survive and that's a risk I'm not likely to take perhaps maybe because I know the outcome or the results of opening up and becoming vulnerable for that little moment in life. It could really come crashing down in a blink of an eye.

Just got to wait and see.


The commotion in the ocean

Wow, the next few months is going to be a pretty busy few months. We love sounds festival tickets are being sold and I'm selling them for the Trashbags people which is what I did last year, it was actually good, made a few bucks and some cool contacts which has flourished again because I'm dealing with Sam from Sounds. Awesome bloke.

But anyways, its going to be intense and stressful, counting all the money, tickets and keeping track of it all then on top of all that, I still need to be looking for a job, and that's something I need to be doing ASAP. I need a job.

Any hermit readers, if you're company is hiring or has an job position within the fields of Administration and/or Graphic Design then holla your way over here! I won't get into self-less promotion about myself.. But i am a great worker ;)


An oily moment

Don't you think these look crazy to eat?

Don't you hate it when you cook something like shallow frying or deep frying say some chicken or something and you get the smell and taste and feel of oil on your skin and face.

Fuck i feel sorry for cats who work at KFC, Macdonalds and all those fast food chains that have to deal with big commercial fryers.


My first post.

So guys, this is my first post on this newly created blog, and I will give you a jist of what goes down on this crazy and zany blog of mine. Its just a blog that expresses my emotions, feelings and desires for what goes on in my life, usually you'll see the Twitter feed to the side -> and it says a bit, but this is where you'll get the full inside scoop on relevant information that comes upon me.

You will get a dose of music, fashion, art, events around Sydney, even ramblings about shit that makes you go 'wow' or even 'er'. I will post shit that I see from other blogs that interest me and may interest the hermit readers that may stumble along this blog.

And if there is nothing like that as i listed above, its just be having a rant about something, and venting my stresses out on the blog-o-sphere. So here is a pre-warning fuckfaces. Don't complain, I ain't going to care. If you don't like what I say, don't comment or even read this blog.

So anyways, that is all for the introduction, lets play some cards.


So today, was at jayerleon's house waiting to go to football training and he was showing me some new tunes, and one that really caught my eye was one from new or even kinda old band (I don't know, i'm too lazy to look into it) called Phoenix - 1901. I did recently see it on Asian Dan's blogsite and contemplated downloading it but thought meh and then heard it and then another remix and it definitely wowed me.

Phoenix - 1901
Phoenix - 1901 (Mr. Vegas Remix)

That's all from me.
Peas and beans.