
They hear the bass and they say whoa!

Weekend shenannigans, what did I do?

Friday - went to dee's place to pick up we love sound tickets and played fifa, pretty happy about that aye, why because i came and beat people. Actually i can't take all the glory, played rob twice, beat me i beat him he beat me so we're pretty even on the fifa level then came christian, he was suppose to be good anyways we played. Pretty intense match cause he beat me 3-0 in the first game then i was put on the spot because dee usually raves about me saying that i'm pretty good which i am but yeah disappointed on the lost but you know i was playing with a team i didnt really like, but thats no excuse right? Well it is. Anyways we decided to play again and i was lyon and he was liverpool and it was such an upset christian decided to leave lol. 4-0 and he shuts up.

So anyways its 1-1 between us, and we decided to play again and this was pretty funny because the first 20mins of the game he was leading 2-0 and dee and everyone was like whats going on and shit, you know and i have to be honest, i was packing shit about that time but i kept my composure about it all and just kept playing, a little sweat dropped down my face cause i was on the ropes here but lyon doesn't disappoint me and they didn't.. I knocked back 2 goals to even up the score and it was on. 0-0 (2-2) and then i came back with an upset of a lifetime. 5-2 and the game wasn't finished. Christian gave up with 20mins to go, and i was ready to pump more goals into him. HAHA so so funny.

Anyways that happened and we were all chilling out and then decided to head out into the city. Don't know why i went, i think i just went with the flow of everything but i didn't stay long due to what happened before.

Well what happened was, i bought new jeans two days before, april 77 jeans which are pretty expensive to my budget and i sat in some sort of sticky residue outside diego's house and it pretty muched ruined my night and whatever. Kinda sucked arse cause these are new jeans and i had to wash them. Anyways i'm still pretty upset about that cause i went to get them dry cleaned today and im scared its going to end up feeling and looking like shit. Fingers cross they dont.

Anyways I spent pretty much all day saturday trying to get this sticky residue off by any and all home remedies but only one worked, which was hand sanitiser. (Thanks nadia and crouch for your ideas) It didn't get all of it out but it got most of the visible stains away but there was still some left so i dry cleaned it. So that was friday.

Saturday - BBQ at rubens. It was pretty cool, he's family's BBQ are always cool cause we talk with the uncles and aunties and stuff about random shit and they always got stories. Oh and con (Ruben's step dad) always got jokes. lol. It was oscar, beto, caz and ruben at the end and we all had weird conversations which i won't mention because there are soo many. It finished around 3ish am so we all headed home. Oh we also facebooked all the songs on the radio that was played, pretty cool. HAHA.

Sunday - hung out with bet and nick and co. Nothing special but we went to Chans restaurant at The Crossroads and that was pretty good. Filling. JESUS!

That was the weekend, cbb to keep writing. Eyes hurt.

Oh and go buy Fabriclive 45 - mixed by A-Trak. two thumbs up!

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