
I adore it.

This may sound a little left field and perhaps weird that a guy is watching Gossip Girl, but i really don't care, cause it's a great show. I mean i have one person to thank for getting my into it, but then again when i first heard about it, i really didn't give it a time or day but then i watched a few episodes and wow was i hooked

Anyways, there is a clip in the last episode for season 2 where i really see the deeper side to chuck's character and how smooth he is when he says what he says.

Short responses like..

I admire it
I adore them
I worship it.

Really makes the scene what it is.

On another note, i was surfing the net, and i added a new link to the blog blog blog lists -->
I found this website where pretty much posts about a lot of things relevant to the whole scene when it comes to fashion, music, arts, culture and whatever else. It's a really good website and i rate it. I found this article about Kitsune bringing out a Winter/Autumn range which is pretty banging, i was quite infatuated with this jacket/coat or whatever you girls want to call it because I find it quite cute..

In words of chuck, "I adore it".


Check it out.

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