
Things were looking a bit better..

Don't you hate it when you send a message to someone, and it was meant for someone else, i'm pretty sure there is a lot of people that have done it, where you send a message to someone thats in the same room, place or even car as you and instead they were suppose to send it to a girlfriend, another friend or whatever but they sent it to you. Common mistake, totally understandable because you think you know your phone so well, you do this and do that its kind of like a routine to send a message but when that message isn't suppose to be for you, its quite awkward and weird.

Well that happened to me tonight, i didn't send the message but a friend did and wow did that message send quakes through to china... Its funny how it sends the room/place/car or whatever quiet and a little "oh shit my bad" laugh or something comes out from that person and it's like you're waiting for that person you 'accidentally' sent it to reads it and you realise what an idiot you just made yourself to be when its something quite harsh and not for your own eyes. What do you do in those moments? I mean, i understand you need to vent to a loved one or another friend or family member because i'm pretty sure we all do that, its that person you can talk to about anything but do you think you could of been a little smarter and make sure you sent it to the right person before you press send if its something important or something you're talking shit about behind that persons back.

Shit, i mean i try and keep it disclose and careful before i send a message to someone incase i think i know my phone so well that it won't do that and then vola, you got yourself a problem with someone that could of been avoided if you would of just came and spoke to that person about the issue you are having. I think its quite cowardly that you don't because if you have an issue, you talk about it rather than bitch about it to someone else but then again, we all do it because perhaps were all afraid to hurt that person.

Oh wells, shit happens and now you have to deal with the fact it changes a lot. Next time be more smarter.

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