
Underage Heartbreakers

I've been holding out on this TAFE Application for a few weeks and its coming close to closing time for the application. I don't know what it is, maybe i'm just lazy or maybe i'm scared to even do it perhaps cause I don't know whats going to happen in the next few months, hoping i get a job or some good finances, or am i going to be studying and getting into routine to waking up at a certain time and planning my day out to attend class. I haven't done that for 3 years, where i'd wake up and get ready to go to school/class/college and actually have homework to complete and assignments to do. I mean its quite nerve racking that in a couple of weeks I will be doing that and i really don't know what to expect but i know it'll help my career prospects out a lot but completing this course and perhaps study a bit more and have a good certified resume for the job industry i'd like to work in for the next 30-40-50 years.

Its quite scary now that i think of it that i'll be doing this for the next couple of years then perhaps doing it for the future. I mean i love graphic design, and i love the freedom that it allows to create things from scratch and then seeing the results that it allows you to feel accomplished that a magazine/billboard/company/fans/general public love your work and what you do. I hope its like that for me. Its just scary to know that maybe if i do these course and study for another 3 years to complete the course that i might lose interest in it, i don't think i will but its a possibility for anyone because i've got friends who are in that part of their life where they studied straight after high school and gone close to completing their course and deferred or dropped university all together and chosen a different career path. Its quite strange because as i finished high school, i chose that i will try and enter the workforce, gain as much experience as i can and if i do decide to study again i can because i have the money, experience i needed for the career i tend to do when i'm older, but it's not the case at the moment where i did get some experience but not as much as i wanted or could, oh wells i like the fact that my life isn't planned like some people i know and i'm glad i chose this path because when i see on facebook that there are alot of people complaining and commenting on their status about how fucked an exams is or how hard this uni assignment is.. its quite depressing but maybe now its time for me, and i'm also actually pumped to do all this. Bring it bitches!

I'm 21 in a month and a bit and i guess i no longer can be a kid anymore lol.
The life after 21 should be interesting, a lot of questions flow through my head like, when will i get married? when will i have kids? when will i move out? when will i be able to afford things, will i find 'the one'.. lol


Those are my thoughts at this hour of the night/morning.
Sleep time, going to finish this application tomorrow morning or when i wake up!

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