
Life at the edge.

Last night I had a very weird and surreal dream about myself living a life perhaps in the age of 26 or something and i got news i was going to die because of some disease to do with my breathing or something.

So let me take you through into the dream of what i remember. I was at some sort of party, i think it was either a honey moon (my honey moon of course) or my wedding night/party where all my friends were there and we were doing rehersals and stuff, or it was a birthday party where there was a pool there, but it was nice, around sunset time so what happened was the day was going good, until i got a letter where it said that i had a day or so to live and it kinda came to a shock to know that this disease i got is going to kill me. So anyways knowing i was going to die, i didn't tell anyone and you could tell in the dream that i was going into a state where i was becoming a little concern about the people around me and also myself, but during the dream i was still swimming around, having drinks and talking to friends and i was still have fun. In the quiet times, i remember i was there in a room and i broke down and started to cry to a friend or someone significant in my life, i don't remember who it was but he/she was there and i told them I'm going to die, and they didn't believe me and for me it was quite intense that i was in this state of emotional break down.

So anyways, hours went past and i was happy again, i mean it was weird cause i was up and down with being happy and sad, and then it was just all a blur afterwards, i didn't die yet but i woke up.

Really bizarre.

But anyways, what would you do if you knew you were going to die tomorrow, would you according to my dream not tell anyone or die peacefully without people knowing? I really don't know what to do, i prefer not to think about it but how would you feel if something like that was to happen, i'd feel so sorry and sad for whoever it'd may be.

So i bid you adieu.

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