
Usually when you look at the photo above you think 3 sisters, blue mountains. Well that is where i was trying to get at. After speaking to Ruben today while he bludges at work, we have come to a decision we are going to get away with the group or even a few of us boys and girlfriends if they like to head up to have a nice relaxing holiday. I mean a few of us are going up there for a different reason but we've all been talking and discussing holidays, first it was cancun and that didn't work out to how it was suppose to work out, then it was thailand and thats still in the air but i mean its quite hard for us to save, and all these holiday ideas are still in the air its just the funds are limited. So i was thinking that maybe if we go blue mountains with the whole group its still counted as a holiday, and we can start small and make our way big to international places.

I've been looking on stayz.com at holiday houses in the Blue Mountains and found quite a few i've liked and also showed ruben to see if he liked them. I'm quite pumped for it, i mean a good holiday house with friends should be good. Plus we'll be going to the defqon 1. festival which is being held on the 19th of the september at the regatta centre which to my knowledge its going to be held on an island surrounded by water. Now if you don't know defqon 1. festivals it is orginated in amsterdam where its HUGE! and i'm not talking like field day big here, i'm talking about Glastonbury HUGE but in Amsterdam. It hosts music to the harder styles of electronic music, so Hardstyle, hard trance, trance, techno whatever else i guess. I've been a fan of hardstyle and i'm a newly fan of hard trance and i've heard about this festival since i was in year 10 when we were looking at youtube clips of it and the lasers and lighting production was that good you'd want to just save and go the next day.

Should be fun, anyone in?

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