
Weekend #2

Well friday, was a night out in the city. It was actually pretty random, me and andee decided to just hit the town, first stop dee's place and stayed there to chat and secretly try to bring him along, cause it was he's birthday weekend, he kinda bitched it and stayed home, but it was all good. We had to meet up with Marc and Billytown cause they were out in town and having a messy night.

Well we started off at Moulin rouge, stayed there for no more than 10mins, left and got dragged to SoHo with Nik and new found friend Elliot i think he's name was. No idea, don't really care but it was packed. Why? cause some asian person decided to have a birthday there and asians were everywhere. It was like walking through to chinatown or something. Not that i cared or am racist towards asians because i'm asian myself but when you see and hang around asians yourself like family wise, they can't control their alcohol and perfect case, walked in and getting drinks and whatever spilt all over my legs, arms and shirt and shit, and getting bumped into left right and centre. Annoying much?

But anyways we had a few drinks there, free and just hung out in the newly renovated club for a few minutes then headed back to Moulin. No place to be in the cross than Moulin on a friday, some night called Secret Society which is usually good cause last time we went there it was pretty banging. This time it wasn't so much but it was ok. Nothing to complain about cause it was free :D

We stayed there, had a few drinks with cla and co, and nik and redial and shit. Got pretty rowdy in the VIP area but i was just bored, wanted to go home and eat cause i was starving. It was fun but wasn't drinking or anything.

That was friday, saturday came and Kill The Radio was on at The Roxy which hosted Dee's 55th Birthday. Now to have some old party animal mother fucker turning 55 and having a party at a club night, is something to live up too. Haha I'm only kidding, it wasn't a 55th birthday at a club. There is a long nd logic story behind it but i'm not going to explain because i can't be bothered and it will make this blog even longer than what it should be. Capishe?

Saturday came around and it was supposed to be an early night, 1.30-2.00am deadline only because i had a football (soccer) game the following day and i didn't want to be tired, i wanted to be fresh and awake and ready to play but that all failed when i decided to stay due to andee persuading me to stay, buying me drinks and partying all night which is what i totally didn't do. I did quite the opposite, just sitting down, chilling out and waiting to go home. I wish i did go home at 1.30 cause i ended up leaving the joint at around 4.00ish and got to bets house around 5.00 due to stopping to get people and food.

Overall, it was a blah night, had a bit of fun, but it was ok.

Sunday came around and it was my day to shine, had football friendly against mounties and we pumped them 8-3. It was an easy game and i was buggered all weekend afterwards, got home and crashed out and woke up this morning at 11.30am.

Weekend was chat. Am i getting old?

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