
Weekend #1

Well my weekend was quite eventful, or such and not. It was all over the joint. Really.

We'll start off friday.

Well, condom, bets and I were going to go to one of his friends bar just near five dock but that idea ended flopping so badly the night of friday seemed gloomy with nothing to do and nowhere to go and the idea of going to mounties came up but we are always there, we have made friends with one of the bar ladies. She is really nice, good ol' dotty always knows i'm the designated driver and hooks me up with free soft drinks. Really nice old lady, and she backed us up when we had problems there. lol Anyways enough of that, we went to fairfield RSL out of random decision and it was actually nice there. The service and everything there is definitely a big plus in my books. I usually don't like going there cause alot of my relos are there and it just seems quite uncomfortable being there the same time as them, and there is just history with it all.

If you want to go there to hang, and enjoy the decor which is really nice and get free and great drink service. That is the place to go :)

So saturday came around and out of spur decision i decided to hit the races at rosehill garden and to my surprise i did enjoy it, it was like a good fun day out, kinda tired as i didn't get much sleep from the night before but ended up being a great day, nice weather and good company. You need to be dressed up and in the mood for the day, and you have to go with a group of people to enjoy the day.

here's a snap of the group, all nice and happy.

And sunday which was mediocre cause I didn't get much sleep and had a soccer game today which i lost 3-1 and the second goal was partially my wrong doing which i won't get into cause it'll make me look like a douchebag haha!

Another weekend, another week.

Catcha on the flipside.

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