
My first post.

So guys, this is my first post on this newly created blog, and I will give you a jist of what goes down on this crazy and zany blog of mine. Its just a blog that expresses my emotions, feelings and desires for what goes on in my life, usually you'll see the Twitter feed to the side -> and it says a bit, but this is where you'll get the full inside scoop on relevant information that comes upon me.

You will get a dose of music, fashion, art, events around Sydney, even ramblings about shit that makes you go 'wow' or even 'er'. I will post shit that I see from other blogs that interest me and may interest the hermit readers that may stumble along this blog.

And if there is nothing like that as i listed above, its just be having a rant about something, and venting my stresses out on the blog-o-sphere. So here is a pre-warning fuckfaces. Don't complain, I ain't going to care. If you don't like what I say, don't comment or even read this blog.

So anyways, that is all for the introduction, lets play some cards.


So today, was at jayerleon's house waiting to go to football training and he was showing me some new tunes, and one that really caught my eye was one from new or even kinda old band (I don't know, i'm too lazy to look into it) called Phoenix - 1901. I did recently see it on Asian Dan's blogsite and contemplated downloading it but thought meh and then heard it and then another remix and it definitely wowed me.

Phoenix - 1901
Phoenix - 1901 (Mr. Vegas Remix)

That's all from me.
Peas and beans.

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