
Hearing is getting me down.

Don't you wish you could find a place where you could go an escape from the stress and troubles in your life that you find it hard to even try and look for one that it becomes a stress or even trouble for yourself?

Well what can you really do..
I think the real issue here is to get to the place in the beginning to being able to settle down and escape from it all, and i'm not talking about taking your own life. I'm talking about just getting your mind of things and easing yourself through the power of your own mind. I do not endorse suicide or drug use to help yourself 'escape' so whoever does read this, don't take the wrong idea. If you want to take drugs and take your own life, then go ahead but i urge you not to do so because it's not worth it. If the situation in your life comes to the point where you think that this is it, the end of the road, think twice because there are people you may not think care, really care and would be straight up distraught by your own actions. SO DON'T BE STUPID! lol

Well back to the post, i've done some things that i am not proud of and lost friends and respect from people and I guess i can only learn from the mistakes and become a better person by doing good by the people that has lost faith and respect in me to gain it back, but what do you do when it doesn't work? You tend to question yourself and question your approach and wonder if this would work, or that would work but you are unsure of what approach to take and if you take the wrong on, you're taking a few steps back but if you take the right approach your cheering but then what do you do after the right approach, how do you continue to make that person happy and think 'hey, he is really being genuine or truthful'. Its very hard to pin an exact point on what actions to take because then again you could take the wrong road and go back to the start or could take the right road and be cheering then you'd come to the same decision and you gotta keep at it.

I see it like a gamble on a pokies machine (i know its a bad example) but to gain more money from the gamble you need to guess correctly the card or suit is going to come out and then the next, and if you get it wrong you lose it all and you start it from the start again BUT if you win, you'll keep going to either win more OR take the win and start again with a different approach to maximise your winnings.

Like how do you know what approach and actions to take once you think you're up ahead of the situation or even if you're right. You could be wrong and think you may be right but the only way for you to know is that other person telling you and if they aren't then you just have to GUESS your way through it all and it's all a gamble then take into consideration is the gamble worth losing some dignity or some pride or even starting all over again when you put so much effort it at the start then you have to start again. I know people would get frustrated and annoyed at the fact of starting over again when you've put all this effort in and get nothing in return but ask yourself this question..

Is it worth it?

Once you answer that question, you either start again or give up, take your losses and move on then you'll either go through the whole process again and again til you realise it for yourself which brings me back to the escapism of your troubles and issues. Why can't there be an easier way, it just seems hard for some people with the whole economic issue and whatever else is going on in their life to just stand back from the crowd and take a breather.

I truly think it's worth it and if going through the process again and again will eventually slap me in the face and make me realise I think taking the 'gamble' could either end great on the other side as it takes a different journey, some curve balls and some crazy times or bad, even time wasting but then again it's all up to you.

I wish things could be easier.

On another hand, i'm really digging Metronomy - On Dancefloors. Crazy song and i've had it on repeat in my car, and also at home and i'm going to blog it here. Its got a catchy beat and crazy synths action, sounds like a romantic dinner for two with a violinist playing next to you and you're about to propose or lean in for the first kiss. Haha

Metronomy - On Dancefloors (buy the album)

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