
The commotion in the ocean

Wow, the next few months is going to be a pretty busy few months. We love sounds festival tickets are being sold and I'm selling them for the Trashbags people which is what I did last year, it was actually good, made a few bucks and some cool contacts which has flourished again because I'm dealing with Sam from Sounds. Awesome bloke.

But anyways, its going to be intense and stressful, counting all the money, tickets and keeping track of it all then on top of all that, I still need to be looking for a job, and that's something I need to be doing ASAP. I need a job.

Any hermit readers, if you're company is hiring or has an job position within the fields of Administration and/or Graphic Design then holla your way over here! I won't get into self-less promotion about myself.. But i am a great worker ;)

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