
What's my motherfuckin' name?

Just cruising into ol' school mode.

Snoop doggy, dooogggg.

You start to question things around you, who, what, where, when, why?

What is the problem?
Where should you start?
When did it all go wrong?

Don't you wish honest was the best policy in this world, I tend to disagree with that because honest isn't always going to get you further than you think it would. Truth hurts, and when the truth happens to flow through your ears, its like a sudden strike to wherever it would hurt the most, and that could be anywhere but mostly the heart.

I think its better to be left unsaid than to be said because it isn't always the best option to take if its going to hurt you ten times more than you think it would. You would think you'd be ok, but its always ten times worse feeling and what do you do to recover? Whatever you please.

Let your body take control.

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