
I'm back!

So there has been a lack of posting lately, but let me tell you, i've been dying to blog since having a break, there has been a lot of things that has come into my mind that i've been wanting to express lately. Let me tell you that the only reason why i haven't posted is because i've recently moved and moving is such a pain in the ass its quite frustrating to get the internet back up and also getting settled in again, but i'm back and ready to continue from where i left off.

I'll just point form what has been happening in my life, just because there might be a bit to write and i've got to head off soon.

- So as you know i've recently moved houses, so i've been quite busy with settling in and also re painting my room again. It's quite calm and cool :)

- I've also been out of action in work for a while so been busy trying to look for work, and its quite hard i mean my birthday is coming up and there are friends birthdays coming up and one in particular where i'm looking to dig deep into my wallet and i'm scared that it won't happen but we'll see hey.

- Recently just got accepted into TAFE for a Graphic Design Foundation course which is pretty exciting because lately i've been on the fence with what i want to do in my life where it is working full time because i really need the finances to be back up because i'm looking into buying a house so i don't have to move again.. OR study full time and by the end of it all, get a job and be qualified for a good graphic design job. What to do, what to do!

- My birthday is coming up as well, and i'm turning 21!

I'll be blogging more about other things later on tonight, i'll catch up!


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