

Have you ever questioned some of the people around you, and wondered if they were doing whatever they were doing for personal gain, i sometimes feel that its always about who you know, and what you know and it's always about the status. I experience a lot of this 'personal gain' from going out on the weekend with a lot of people trying to get to the top when it comes to djing or knowing the top dogs who runs the party. Its quite ridiculous how far status or whatever you may have that someone is interested in will get you, say you're a DJ and you are a respected DJ in the music industry or scene, a person will do whatever they can to get a free drink, to get into the VIP or to get into the coolest parties for future reference. I find it quite fucked up, i mean you would expect to be friends with so and so, but then again what goes through the mind that you want to do something to get somewhere, and the other person wouldn't know especially if its a girl, you know what i mean.

It's quite odd, and silly.

Kinda question if the people around you, do whatever they do for you or with you for the right reasons or not.. I wonder.

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